kata kita kota kutu, kata kamu kotak susu

Kamis, 29 April 2010

What is hidden inside "Lucky Budianto Ardhi"?
Let's play anagram!
Here's how to play this,
I just break those letters from italic words, and form it into new words, one with bold marker :)

1. Inside "Lucky Budianto Ardhi", are hidden these words...

kind  : ramah
hunky : keren
odd : aneh
hick : orang udik (bwahahaha, suitable for me I guess)
balky : keras kepala
unruly : tegar
toil : pekerja keras
lurid : seram
outrun : lebih cepat

2. What comes up when "Lucky Budianto Ardhi" plays with his own "imaginations" and "fantasies"?

it comes up with STUNNING IDEAS!

3. What will happens if "Lucky Budianto Ardhi" gets a "brief" and "insight", and then found an "idea"?

the result is....INCREDIBLE THINGS!

4. And now what will happens if "Lucky Budianto Ardhi" "works" in your "agency" as a "junior copywriter"?

it seems that you will have an AWARD WINNING AD!

*why you should think twice to pick me while you only have one best option? :)

Lucky Budianto Ardhi - Lord of Word!
luckyardhi.multiply.com / luckyardhi@ymail.com

*kalo ada yang bingung cara baca post di atas, jd kata-kata yg di bold dan besar itu adalah susunan huruf dari kata-kata yang di italic dan di assemble ulang jadi kata-kata baru yaitu kata-kata yg di bold tadi. kita lagi main anagram :)

1 komentar:

Writer mengatakan...

Ini bagian dari tugas atau emang promosi diri yak?
yah, ada yg gue setujuin ada yang kaga sih, terutama yang bagian lo ngaku2 keren.
Insaf nak, insaf.

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